CvtkvmtkActiveTubeFilter | Experimental method for generating centerlines from an image |
CvtkvmtkAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter | Wrapper class around itk::GradientAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter |
CvtkvmtkAnnularCapPolyData | Add annular caps between the boundaries of a walled surface |
CvtkvmtkAppendFilter | Merges points, point data, and cell data |
CvtkvmtkBoundaryConditions | Base class to store nodes, value, and linear system composing a boundary condition |
CvtkvmtkBoundaryLayerGenerator | Generates boundary layers of prismatic elements by warping a surface mesh |
CvtkvmtkBoundaryReferenceSystems | Creates a reference system consisting of a radius and normals on top of boundaries |
CvtkvmtkBoundedReciprocalImageFilter | Wrapper class around itk::BoundedReciprocalImageFilter |
CvtkvmtkCapPolyData | Close holes in a surface surface by creating a cap made of triangles sharing a common vertex at the boundary barycenter |
CvtkvmtkCardinalSpline | Implementation of vtkCardinalSpline containing methods to calculate the spline derivative, second derivatives, at derivative values |
CvtkvmtkCenterlineAttributesFilter | Computes the abscissa and parallel transport normal along a centerline |
CvtkvmtkCenterlineBifurcationReferenceSystems | Generates a normal and upnormal reference system for each bifurcation point of a split centerline |
CvtkvmtkCenterlineBifurcationVectors | Compute vectors which represent the orientation of branches involved within a bifurcation from a split centerline and bifurcation reference system |
CvtkvmtkCenterlineBranchExtractor | Split and group centerlines |
CvtkvmtkCenterlineBranchGeometry | Computes the length, curvature, torsion, and tortuosity each for branch within a split centerline |
CvtkvmtkCenterlineEndpointExtractor | Split a centerline into tracts which can be used to mark endpoints of the centerline |
CvtkvmtkCenterlineGeometry | Compute length, curvature, torsion, tortuosity, and frenet frames for individual centerlines |
CvtkvmtkCenterlineReferenceSystemAttributesOffset | Move the abscissa metric such that its zero point is at a bifurcation center and rotate parallel transport normals such that they are normal to the bifurcation plane |
CvtkvmtkCenterlineSmoothing | Iteratively smooth a centerline with a laplacian kernel |
CvtkvmtkCenterlineSphereDistance | Collection of functions which compute point ids which are n-spheres away from a reference point |
CvtkvmtkCenterlineSplitExtractor | Split a centerline into three tracts with the middle (blanked) tract being initialized between any two points on the centerline or being an arbitrary length starting at a particular point |
CvtkvmtkCenterlineSplittingAndGroupingFilter | Multipurpose filter used to bundle and blank split tracts in all "branch extractor" like methods |
CvtkvmtkCenterlineUtilities | Collection of functions which are used when working with split and grouped centerlines |
CvtkvmtkCollidingFrontsImageFilter | Wrapper class around itk::CollidingFrontsImageFilter |
CvtkvmtkConstrainedLaplacianPolyDataFilter | Smooth a surface mesh by constraining the motion of selected point ids |
CvtkvmtkCurvedMPRImageFilter | Creates a multiplanar reconstruction of an image along a centerline path |
CvtkvmtkCurvesLevelSetImageFilter | Wrapper class around itk::CurvesLevelSetImageFilter |
CvtkvmtkDanielssonDistanceMapImageFilter | Wrapper class around itk::DanielssonDistanceMapImageFilter |
CvtkvmtkDataSetItem | Create an item instance with a data set and particular point id |
CvtkvmtkDataSetItems | Create a collection of data set items, one for every point within the data set |
CvtkvmtkDirichletBoundaryConditions | Set up a Dirichlet (or first-type) boundary conditions that a linear system needs to take along the boundary of the domain |
CvtkvmtkDolfinWriter | Write mesh data in Dolfin file formats |
CvtkvmtkDoubleVector | Base class for vectors utilized in finite-element and other PDE evaluations |
CvtkvmtkEllipticProblem | High level container holding references to vtkvmtkLinearSystem and associated vtkvmtkDirichletBoundaryConditions |
CvtkvmtkEmptyNeighborhood | Create an an empty neighborhood instance |
CvtkvmtkEmptyStencil | Create a stencil but do not apply a weighting to the neighborhoods of the data set |
CvtkvmtkFastMarchingDirectionalFreezeImageFilter | Wrapper class around itk::FastMarchingDirectionalFreezeImageFilter |
CvtkvmtkFastMarchingUpwindGradientImageFilter | Wrapper class around itk::FastMarchingUpwindGradientImageFilter |
CvtkvmtkFDNEUTReader | Reads FDNEUT Fidap files |
CvtkvmtkFDNEUTWriter | Writes FDNEUT Fidap files |
CvtkvmtkFEAssembler | Base class on which to build to build specific finite element routines |
CvtkvmtkFEShapeFunctions | Set of common utility (calculate jacobian, interpolation function, and interpolation function derivatives) functions used during assembly of certain finite element solutions |
CvtkvmtkFluentWriter | Writes Fluent .msh files |
CvtkvmtkFWHMFeatureImageFilter | Wrapper class around itk::FWHMFeatureImageFilter |
CvtkvmtkGaussQuadrature | Finite element quadrature rule; Approximation of the definite integral of a function, as a weighted sum of function values at specified points |
CvtkvmtkGeodesicActiveContourLevelSet2DImageFilter | Wrapper class around itk::GeodesicActiveContourLevelSetImageFilter |
CvtkvmtkGeodesicActiveContourLevelSetImageFilter | Wrapper class around itk::GeodesicActiveContourLevelSetImageFilter |
CvtkvmtkGradientMagnitudeImageFilter | Wrapper class around itk::GradientMagnitudeImageFilterImageFilter |
CvtkvmtkGradientMagnitudeRecursiveGaussian2DImageFilter | Wrapper class around itk::GradientMagnitudeRecursiveGaussian2DImageFilter |
CvtkvmtkGradientMagnitudeRecursiveGaussianImageFilter | Wrapper class around itk::GradientMagnitudeRecursiveGaussianImageFilter |
CvtkvmtkGrayscaleMorphologyImageFilter | Wrapper class around itk::GrayscaleMorphologyImageFilter |
CvtkvmtkImageBoxPainter | Create a box shaped sub-volume within a 3D image and paint (assign a value to) every sub-volume element with the same value |
CvtkvmtkInternalTetrahedraExtractor | Extract internal tetrahedra from a Delaunay tessellation of a surface |
CvtkvmtkItem | Base class for the construction of neighborhoods and stencil from a set of points |
CvtkvmtkItems | Control allocation and memory footprint of item instances |
CvtkvmtkIterativeClosestPointTransform | Implementation of the ICP algorithm with FarThreshold variant |
CvtkvmtkITKFilterUtilities | Abstract class for wrapping ITK filters |
CvtkvmtkLaplacianSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter | Wrapper class around itk::LaplacianSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter |
CvtkvmtkLevelSetSigmoidFilter | Apply a sigmoid function to every voxel of an image |
CvtkvmtkLinearizeMeshFilter | Convert linear mesh elements to quadratic mesh elements by ignoring mid side nodes |
CvtkvmtkLinearSystem | Base container to hold sparse matrice objects representing a linear system of equations Ax = B |
CvtkvmtkLinearSystemSolver | Base class for linear system of equation solver implementations |
CvtkvmtkLinearToQuadraticMeshFilter | Converts linear mesh elements to quadratic mesh elements (optionally) by executing by projecting mid side nodes onto the surface and relaxing projection if Jacobian is negative, otherwise does not project nodes |
CvtkvmtkLinearToQuadraticSurfaceMeshFilter | Converts linear surface elements to quadratic surface elements via either linear subdivision of laplacian (butterfly) subdivision |
CvtkvmtkMath | Static utility mathematical functions included to avoid repeating ourselves |
CvtkvmtkMedialCurveFilter | Flux driven automatic centerline extraction from a surface |
CvtkvmtkMergeCenterlines | Combine multiple centerlines which lie within the same branch of a split and grouped centerline |
CvtkvmtkMeshLambda2 | Compute the Lambda2 surface for a given flow field which allow for the visualization of fluid vortex cores |
CvtkvmtkMeshProjection | Project point data from a reference mesh onto a query mesh |
CvtkvmtkMeshVelocityStatistics | Calculates average and RMS velocity statistics |
CvtkvmtkMeshVorticity | Calculates vorticity from velocity gradients in a mesh |
CvtkvmtkMeshWallShearRate | Calculates wall shear rate from velocity components in a mesh |
CvtkvmtkMinHeap | Implementation of the min heap data structure |
CvtkvmtkNeighborhood | Query the neighborhood surrounding the set point id in an data set item |
CvtkvmtkNeighborhoods | Create an empty, polydata, polydata manifold, polydata manifold extended, or unstructured grid neighborhood from a a matching vtk object |
CvtkvmtkNonManifoldFastMarching | Implementation of the Fast Marching Method on polygonal non-manifolds |
CvtkvmtkNonManifoldSteepestDescent | Abstract class for steepest descent on a polygonal non-manifold |
CvtkvmtkNormalizeImageFilter | Wrapper class around itk::NormalizeImageFilter |
CvtkvmtkObjectnessMeasureImageFilter | Wrapper class around itk::ObjectnessMeasureImageFilter |
CvtkvmtkOpenNLLinearSystemSolver | Solve a linear system of equations using open NL |
CvtkvmtkOtsuMultipleThresholdsImageFilter | Wrapper class around itk::OtsuMultipleThresholdsImageFilter |
CvtkvmtkPNGWriter | Writes .png files |
CvtkvmtkPolyBall | An instance of vtkImplicitFunction which evaluates the minimum sphere function from a collection of points with attached sphere radii as point data |
CvtkvmtkPolyBallLine | Instance of vtkImplicitFunction which evaluates the minimum sphere function for an envelope created by an interpolation of sphere radii along a centerline line |
CvtkvmtkPolyBallModeller | Create an image where a polyball or polyball line are evaluated as a function |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataAreaWeightedUmbrellaStencil | Apply umbrella (laplacian) weighting to the neighborhood connections of a surface |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataBifurcationProfiles | Compute bifurcation profiles (the bifurcation splitting lines) from an input surface & grouped and split centerlines |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataBifurcationSections | Extract a set of vessel (cross) sections n-spheres away (upstream and downstream) from a bifurctation |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataBoundaryExtractor | Extract boundary edges as poly lines |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataBranchSections | Extract a vessel (cross) section n-spheres distance from from the start point of a branch |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataBranchUtilities | Utility functions to ease working with branches and surfaces |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataCenterlineAbscissaMetricFilter | Project the abscissa metric of the nearest centerline point to every point of a surface |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataCenterlineAngularMetricFilter | Create an angular metric array on each branch of a split surface representing he periodic circumferential coordinate of mesh points around the centerlines |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataCenterlineGroupsClipper | Split a surface into groups/branches corresponding to their proximity to the polyball line of a branched centerline |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataCenterlineMetricFilter | Base class for evaluating metrics over a centerline onto a surface |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataCenterlineProjection | Project all point data from a centerline onto a surface |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataCenterlines | Compute centerlines from surface |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataCenterlineSections | Extract a set of vessel sections from a surface along a centerline |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataClampedSmoothingFilter | Apply a laplacian or curvature based smoothing filter to a surface with particular points fixed in place |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataCylinderHarmonicMappingFilter | Create a single instance wrapping a harmonic function over a cylinder so that mapping can be applied with stretching of the longitudinal metric |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataDiscreteElasticaFilter | Not implemented; smooth a surface with via an elastic forces method |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataDistanceToCenterlines | Calculate the minimum euclidian from surface points to a centerline |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataFEGradientAssembler | Construct a gradient based finite element calculation on a surface |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataFELaplaceAssembler | Construct a laplacian based finite element calculation on a surface |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataFELaplaceBeltramiStencil | Apply finite-element LB weighting to the neighborhood connections of a surface |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataFlowExtensionsFilter | Remove the end caps of a surface at flow inlets/outlets and append a cylinder with matching radius that follows the centerline path |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataFVFELaplaceBeltramiStencil | Apply finite-volume, finite-element LB weighting to the neighborhood connections of a surface |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataGradientFilter | Compute the gradient of data stored within an polydata surface |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataGradientStencil | Apply gradient weighting to the neighborhood connections of a surface |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataHarmonicMappingFilter | Construct a harmonic function over each vascular surface segment used during mapping order to stretch the longitudinal metric to correctly account for the presence of insertion regions at bifurcations |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataKiteRemovalFilter | Removes small protrusions (kites) from a surface based on a SizeFactor parameter |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataLaplaceBeltramiStencil | Apply LB weighting to the neighborhood connections of a surface |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataLineEmbedder | Not implemented. Takes a number of lines and embed them in a mesh |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataLocalGeometry | Compute shape-related quantities over a surface |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataManifoldExtendedNeighborhood | Apply a an extended neighborhood to the points of a manifold surface |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataManifoldNeighborhood | Apply a neighborhood to the points of a manifold surface |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataManifoldStencil | Base class for stencils applied to a manifold surface |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataMeanCurvature | Compute the mean curvature and mean curvature normals of surface point neighborhoods with a particular stencil applied |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataMultipleCylinderHarmonicMappingFilter | Wrap a harmonic function over a cylinders for every group within a surface |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataNeighborhood | Create a neighborhood for points on a surface |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataNetworkExtraction | Create an approximated network graph (preliminary to centerline) from an input surface with atleast one hole in it |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataNormalPlaneEstimator | Calculate the normal plane alone a centerline path |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataPatchingFilter | “cut” a set of contiguous rectangular regions on the mesh that follow iso-contours in the StretchedMapping and AngularMetric arrays over which all the quantities of interest are averaged |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataPotentialFit | Create an explicitly deformable model which evolves a surface to gradient magnitudes of an input image |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataReferenceSystemBoundaryMetricFilter | Assists in mapping and patching workflow by computing boundary metrics in the boundary reference system frame |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataRigidSurfaceModelling | Not implemented; no utility developed yet |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataScissors | Not implemented, try to cut a surface along a line |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataSizingFunction | Constructs a sizing function for volume meshing on the basis of input surface |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataStencilFlowFilter | Displace points of a surface with an iterative algorithm based on stencil weighting |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataStretchMappingFilter | Constructs a harmonic function over each vascular segment which is used to map and stretch the longitudinal metric so as to correctly account for insertion regions present at bifurcations |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataSurfaceRemeshing | Remesh a surface using quality triangles |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataToUnstructuredGridFilter | Create a mesh type object from a surface type object |
CvtkvmtkPolyDataUmbrellaStencil | Weight the neighborhood connections of a surface mesh with a laplacian |
CvtkvmtkRBFInterpolation | Implicit function which when given a set of disjoined points and a radial basis shape type will evaluate it self at its zero level set |
CvtkvmtkRecursiveGaussian2DImageFilter | Wrapper class around itk::RecursiveGaussian2DImageFilter |
CvtkvmtkRecursiveGaussianImageFilter | Wrapper class around itk::RecursiveGaussianImageFilter |
CvtkvmtkReferenceSystemUtilities | Utility function to get the reference system point id of a group |
CvtkvmtkSatoVesselnessMeasureImageFilter | Wrapper class around itk::SatoVesselnessMeasureImageFilter |
CvtkvmtkSigmoidImageFilter | Wrapper class around itk::SigmoidImageFilter |
CvtkvmtkSimpleCapPolyData | Add caps to boundaries |
CvtkvmtkSimplifyVoronoiDiagram | Remove non essential Voronoi polygon points (little spikes) |
CvtkvmtkSmoothCapPolyData | Add caps to boundaries |
CvtkvmtkSparseMatrix | Class for constructing sparse matrices from a dataset and performing basic mathematical operations on it |
CvtkvmtkSparseMatrixRow | Class to handle operating on rows of a sparse matrix |
CvtkvmtkStaticTemporalInterpolatedVelocityField | A concrete class for obtaining the interpolated velocity values at a point |
CvtkvmtkStaticTemporalStreamTracer | Streamline generator |
CvtkvmtkSteepestDescentLineTracer | Trace the steepest descent line over a polygonal non-manifold |
CvtkvmtkSteepestDescentShooter | Experimental method attempting movement across voronoi vertices; implement with caution |
CvtkvmtkStencil | Apply a weighting matrix to a single neighborhood of a data set |
CvtkvmtkStencils | Create an empty, umbrella, area weighted umbrella, finite-element LP, or finite-volume finite-element stencil for a particular data set |
CvtkvmtkStreamlineClusteringFilter | Cluster streamlines based on Mahalanobis distance metric and K-Means clustering |
CvtkvmtkStreamlineOsculatingCentersFilter | Cluster streamlines based on Mahalanobis distance metric and K-Means clustering |
CvtkvmtkStreamlineToParticlesFilter | Cluster streamlines based on Mahalanobis distance metric and K-Means clustering |
CvtkvmtkSurfaceDistance | Calculate the euclidian distance of one surface from another |
CvtkvmtkSurfaceProjection | Project point data from a reference surface onto an input surface |
CvtkvmtkSurfMeshWrapper | Wrapper around surfmesh surface mesh generator by Gordan Stuhne; May not be working |
CvtkvmtkTetGenReader | Reads unstructured grid data from Tetgen node/elem format |
CvtkvmtkTetGenWrapper | Wrapped tetgen volumetric meshing utility |
CvtkvmtkTetGenWriter | Writes TetGen .msh files |
CvtkvmtkThresholdSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter | Wrapper class around itk::ThresholdSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter |
CvtkvmtkTopologicalSeamFilter | Create a feature edge on a surface from a point and implicit plane function |
CvtkvmtkUnstructuredGridCenterlineGroupsClipper | Split an unstructured grid into groups/branches corresponding to their proximity to the polyball line of a branched centerline |
CvtkvmtkUnstructuredGridCenterlineSections | Obtain sections of an unstructured grid mesh with lie along a centerline path |
CvtkvmtkUnstructuredGridFEGradientAssembler | Construct a gradient based finite element calculation on a mesh |
CvtkvmtkUnstructuredGridFELaplaceAssembler | Construct a laplacian based finite element calculation on a mesh |
CvtkvmtkUnstructuredGridFEVorticityAssembler | Construct a vorticity based finite element calculation on a mesh |
CvtkvmtkUnstructuredGridGradientFilter | Compute the gradient of data stored within an unstructured grid mesh |
CvtkvmtkUnstructuredGridHarmonicMappingFilter | Construct a harmonic function over each vascular mesh segment used during mapping order to stretch the longitudinal metric to correctly account for the presence of insertion regions at bifurcations |
CvtkvmtkUnstructuredGridNeighborhood | Apply a neighborhood to the vertices on of a unstructured grid data set |
CvtkvmtkUnstructuredGridTetraFilter | Convert the elements of a mesh to linear tetrahedra |
CvtkvmtkUnstructuredGridVorticityFilter | Calculates vorticity from velocity in a mesh |
CvtkvmtkUpwindGradientMagnitudeImageFilter | Wrapper class around itk::UpwindGradientMagnitudeImageFilter |
CvtkvmtkVesselEnhancingDiffusion3DImageFilter | Wrapper class around itk::VesselEnhancingDiffusion3DImageFilter |
CvtkvmtkVesselEnhancingDiffusionImageFilter | Wrapper class around itk::VesselEnhancingDiffusionImageFilter |
CvtkvmtkVesselnessMeasureImageFilter | Wrapper class around itk::VesselnessMeasureImageFilter |
CvtkvmtkVoronoiDiagram3D | Compute the Voronoi diagram from a Delaunay tessellation or an internal Delaunay tessellation |
CvtkvmtkXdaReader | Reads libmesh Xda files |
CvtkvmtkXdaWriter | Writes libmesh Xda files |