create an approximated network graph (preliminary to centerline) from an input surface with atleast one hole in it.
virtual vtkObjectBase * | NewInstanceInternal () const |
| vtkvmtkPolyDataNetworkExtraction () |
| ~vtkvmtkPolyDataNetworkExtraction () |
void | BoundaryExtractor (vtkPolyData *polyInput, vtkPolyData *boundary) |
void | BoundarySeparator (vtkPolyData *appendedBoundaries, vtkPolyDataCollection *boundaries) |
void | InsertInEdgeTable (vtkIdTypeArray *edgeTable, vtkIdType pointId0, vtkIdType pointId1) |
bool | InsertUniqueInEdgeTable (vtkIdTypeArray *edgeTable, vtkIdType pointId0, vtkIdType pointId1) |
void | GetFromEdgeTable (vtkIdTypeArray *edgeTable, vtkIdType position, vtkIdType edge[2]) |
void | UpdateEdgeTableCollectionReal (vtkPolyData *model, vtkPolyDataCollection *profiles, vtkCollection *edgeTables) |
double | Distance (double point1[3], double point2[3]) |
double | GetFurthestDistance (vtkPolyDataCollection *polyDataCollection, double fromPoint[3]) |
void | Barycenter (vtkPoints *points, double barycenter[3]) |
void | ProfileBarycenter (vtkPoints *points, double barycenter[3]) |
void | DefineVirtualSphere (vtkPolyDataCollection *baseProfiles, double center[3], double &radius, double ratio) |
vtkIdType | CurrentPointId (vtkPolyData *model, vtkIdType currentEdge[2]) |
void | InsertEdgeForNewProfiles (vtkPolyData *model, vtkIdType *edge, vtkIdTypeArray *edgeTable, vtkIdTypeArray *cellPairs, vtkIdList *pointIds) |
bool | LookForNeighbors (vtkPolyData *model, vtkIdType pointId, vtkIdList *notVisitedIds, vtkIdTypeArray *edgeTableForIncludedGlobalProfiles) |
void | PropagateFromBaseProfilePoint (vtkPolyData *model, vtkIdList *toVisitPointIds, double center[3], double radius, vtkIdTypeArray *edgeTableForNewProfiles, vtkIdTypeArray *cellPairsForNewProfiles, vtkIdList *pointIdsForNewProfiles, vtkPoints *markedPoints, vtkIdList *markedPointIds, vtkIdTypeArray *edgeTableForIncludedGlobalProfiles) |
void | LocateVirtualPoint (vtkIdType edge[2], double center[3], double radius, vtkIdList *pointIdsForNewProfiles, vtkPoints *pointsForNewProfiles, vtkDoubleArray *pointDistancesForNewProfiles, double virtualPoint[3]) |
void | ReconstructNewProfiles (vtkPoints *virtualPoints, vtkIdTypeArray *edgeTable, vtkIdTypeArray *cellPairs, vtkPolyDataCollection *newProfiles, vtkCollection *newProfilesEdgeTables) |
void | GenerateNewProfiles (vtkPolyData *model, double center[3], double radius, vtkIdTypeArray *edgeTableForNewProfiles, vtkIdTypeArray *cellPairsForNewProfiles, vtkIdList *pointIdsForNewProfiles, vtkPolyDataCollection *newProfiles, vtkCollection *newProfilesEdgeTables) |
void | UnmarkPoints (vtkPolyData *model, vtkIdList *markedPointIds) |
double | ComputeStepRadius (vtkPoints *points, double point1[3], double point2[3]) |
double | ComputeMeanRadius (vtkPoints *points, double point1[3]) |
void | PointsForRadius (vtkPoints *markedPoints, vtkPolyDataCollection *baseProfiles, vtkPolyDataCollection *newProfiles, vtkPoints *pointsForRadius) |
void | LookForIntersectingPoint (vtkPoints *segmentPoints, double center[3], double radius, vtkIdType &intersectingPointId) |
vtkIdType | StepIteration (vtkPolyData *model, vtkPolyDataCollection *baseProfiles, vtkCollection *baseProfilesEdgeTables, vtkPolyDataCollection *globalProfiles, vtkCollection *globalProfilesEdgeTables, vtkPolyDataCollection *newProfiles, vtkCollection *newProfilesEdgeTables, vtkPoints *segmentPoints, vtkDoubleArray *segmentRadii, vtkPoints *bifurcationPoints, vtkDoubleArray *bifurcationRadii, double oldCenter[3], double &oldRadius, double advancementRatio) |
void | MarkModelGlobalProfile (vtkPolyData *model, vtkIdTypeArray *newGlobalProfileEdgeTable) |
void | SegmentTopology (vtkCollection *bifurcations, vtkCollection *bifurcationsRadii, double firstSegmentPoint[3], double lastSegmentPoint[3], double firstPoint[3], double &firstRadius, double lastPoint[3], double &lastRadius, vtkIdType segmentTopology[2]) |
void | BuildSegment (vtkPoints *segmentPoints, vtkDoubleArray *segmentRadii, vtkIdType segmentTopology[2], double firstPoint[3], double firstRadius, double lastPoint[3], double lastRadius, const double *centralPoint, vtkPolyData *segment) |
void | InsertNewBifurcation (vtkCollection *bifurcations, vtkCollection *bifurcationsRadii, vtkPoints *bifurcationPoints, vtkDoubleArray *bifurcationRadii, vtkPolyDataCollection *additionalSegments) |
void | SegmentIteration (vtkPolyData *model, vtkPolyData *initialProfile, vtkIdTypeArray *initialProfileEdgeTable, vtkPolyDataCollection *globalProfiles, vtkCollection *globalProfilesEdgeTables, vtkCollection *bifurcations, vtkCollection *bifurcationsRadii, vtkPolyDataCollection *segments, double advancementRatio) |
void | JoinSegments (vtkPolyData *segment0, vtkPolyData *segment1, bool first0, bool first1, vtkPolyData *segment) |
void | RemoveDegenerateBifurcations (vtkPolyDataCollection *segments, vtkCollection *bifurcations) |
void | GlobalIteration (vtkPolyData *model, vtkPolyDataCollection *globalProfiles, vtkPolyData *network, double advancementRatio) |
void | MarkModelRealBoundary (vtkPolyData *model, vtkPolyData *modelBoundary) |
void | Graph (vtkPolyData *network, vtkPolyData *graphLayout) |
virtual int | RequestData (vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *) VTK_OVERRIDE |
create an approximated network graph (preliminary to centerline) from an input surface with atleast one hole in it.
- Date
- 2006/07/17 09:53:14
- Revision
- 1.5
Definition at line 40 of file vtkvmtkPolyDataNetworkExtraction.h.