vmtk 1.2 has been released! This release includes binaries for all platforms.
We currently distribute vmtk as python egg file for Linux, MacOSX 10.9 and Windows7 and Windows8 both 32 and 64 bit. For Windows7/8 we provide also a windows installer (.exe). See the Download page for details.
“Egg” is a single-file importable distribution format for Python-related projects. The easiest way to install and use Python eggs is to use the “Easy Install” Python package manager, which will build and install vmtk for you. See the Installation page for details.
New vmtk scripts added in this release:
- vmtkimagemorphology: a script used to apply binary or grayscale morphology filter to the input image.
- vmtkimageotsuthresholds: a script used to automatically label an image using multiple Otsu thresholding.
- vmtksurfacemassproperties: a script for clipping using polyball and tube functions.
- vmtksurfacearrayoperation: a script that allow curvature-dependent density meshing.
- vmtksurfacebooleanoperation: a script used to perform a boolean operation between two surfaces.
- vmtksurfaceregiondrawing: a script used to draw a closed contour on a surface and generate a distance field on the surface.
- vmtksurfacecurvature: a script that allow to compute curvature of an input surface, optionally reporting results back to a reference surface (by point id).
- vmtksurfacepolyballevaluation: a script used to evaluate the polyball function on the vertices of a surface.
- vmtksurfaceregiondrawing: a script that allow to draw a closed contour on a surface and generate a distance field on the surface.
- vmtkcenterlineinterpolation : a script used to smooth centerlines with a moving average.
- vmtkmesharrayoperation: a script that allow to perform an operation between arrays of two meshes and store result in the first mesh.
- vmtkmeshconnectivity: a script used to extract the largest connected region or the closest point-connected region from a mesh.
- vmtkmeshpolyballevaluation: a script used to evaluate the polyball function on the vertices of a mesh.
- vmtkmeshvolume: a script that allow to computes the volume of a mesh.
- vmtkmeshcutter: a script used to generate a slice from a mesh, contributed by Simone Manini, Orobix Srl.
- vmtkmeshextractpointdata:a script used to extract extract the magnitude value (and its components) of an array for a point id of a mesh, contributed by Simone Manini, Orobix Srl.
- vmtkmeshmergetimesteps: a script used to create a mesh file which will contains all the data relative to the velocity components for each timestep we want to generate traces, contributed by Simone Manini, Orobix Srl.
- vmtkparticletracer: a script used to generate traces (VtkPolydata) from a velocity vector field, contributed by Simone Manini, Orobix Srl. Check how it works on the particle tracing tutorial
- vmtkpathlineanimator: a script used to animate the traces previously generated, contributed by Simone Manini, Orobix Srl. Check how it works on the particle tracing tutorial
- Thanks to Martin Sandve Alnaes from Simula, Norway for contributing improvements to capping. Now we can use a mix of methods for different boundaries without losing boundary markers for subsequent meshing.
- There is a new algorithm which allows to generate multiple boundary layers of different thickness. Check how it works on the mesh generation tutorial.
Build your own vmtk distibution from source:
Using python setuptools you can build and distribute your own vmtk version. Read the HOWTO in the distribution/egg folder of the vmtk source code.