28 #ifndef __vtkvmtkStencils_h 29 #define __vtkvmtkStencils_h 31 #include "vtkObject.h" 35 #include "vtkDataSet.h" 37 #include "vtkvmtkWin32Header.h" 67 vtkSetMacro(WeightScaling,
68 vtkGetMacro(WeightScaling,
69 vtkBooleanMacro(WeightScaling,
71 vtkSetMacro(NegateWeights,
72 vtkGetMacro(NegateWeights,
73 vtkBooleanMacro(NegateWeights,
void SetStencilTypeToUmbrellaStencil()
void SetStencilTypeToEmptyStencil()
void SetStencilTypeToFVFELaplaceBeltramiStencil()
void AllocateStencil(vtkIdType i, vtkIdType stencilType)
Control allocation and memory footprint of item instances.
Create an empty, umbrella, area weighted umbrella, finite-element LP, or finite-volume finite-element...
void SetStencilTypeToGradientStencil()
void SetNumberOfItems(vtkIdType numberOfItems)
void SetStencilTypeToAreaWeightedUmbrellaStencil()
Base class for the construction of neighborhoods and stencil from a set of points.
Apply a weighting matrix to a single neighborhood of a data set.
void SetNumberOfStencils(vtkIdType numberOfStencils)
void SetStencilTypeToFELaplaceBeltramiStencil()
Create a collection of data set items, one for every point within the data set.
vtkvmtkStencil * GetStencil(vtkIdType ptId)
void AllocateItem(vtkIdType i, vtkIdType itemType)
virtual vtkvmtkItem * InstantiateNewItem(int itemType)=0
virtual void SetItemType(int)
vtkIdType GetNumberOfItems()
vtkIdType GetNumberOfStencils()