

generate input files for the newtetr CFD solver

Input arguments

idIdstr10script id
handleSelfself1handle to self
disabledDisabledbool10disable execution and piping
iMeshvtkUnstructuredGrid1the input mesh
ifileMeshInputFileNamestr1filename for the default Mesh reader
ofileOutputFileNamestr1output file name
timestepsonlyTimeStepsOnlybool10only generate the $time section of the tetr.in file
entityidsarrayCellEntityIdsArrayNamestr1CellEntityIdsname of the array where entity ids relative to cells are stored
normalizationidNormalizationEntityIdint1-1id of the entity relative to which the mesh has to be normalized
normalizationradiusNormalizationRadiusfloat1(0.0,)1.0explicit value of the radius relative to which the mesh has to be normalized (to be used when -normalizationid is not used)
inletidsInletEntityIdsint-1[]id of inlet entities
outletidOutletEntityIdint1-1id of the outlet entity
wallidWallEntityIdint1-1id of the wall entity
historyidHistoryEntityIdint1-1id of the entity whose history has to be stored
reverseinletsReverseInletsbool-1[]toggle reversal of the nth inlet entity normal
starttimeStartTimefloat10.0simulation normalized start time
endtimeEndTimefloat11.0simulation normalized end time
timestepsNumberOfTimeStepsint1(0,)0number of time steps between start and end time
dumpsNumberOfDumpsint1(0,)0number of solution dumps between start and end time
dumpflagDumpFlagstr111000flag identifying solution dump (e.g. 11000 = tetr.pres and tetr.vel)
wnodesectionWriteWNodeSectionbool11append $wnode section to .in file for subsequent wall shear stress computation
welemsectionWriteWElemSectionbool11append $welem section to .in file for subsequent wall shear stress computation

Output arguments

idIdstr10script id
handleSelfself1handle to self