

Writes a dictionary containing a nested dictionary of numpy arrays (generated byvmtkcenterlinestonumpy, vmtkimagetonumpy, or vmtksurface to numpy) to disk as eithera python pickle object or as hdf5 file

Input arguments

idIdstr10script id
handleSelfself1handle to self
disabledDisabledbool10disable execution and piping
iArrayDictdict1the input array dictionary
ifileArrayDictInputFileNamestr1filename for the default ArrayDict reader
ofileOutputFileNamestr1the output file name
compressionCompressionstr1(1,0)1Boolean value to compress hdf5 dataset files using gzip, default=1
compressionlevelCompressionLevelstr1(0,9)4Specify compression level for gzip compressed hdf5 files. Must be an intiger from 0 to 9, higher levels have more compression,but take longer to process. Default=4
formatFormatstr1["pickle","hdf5"]picklewrite files as pickled object or hdf5 file format

Output arguments

idIdstr10script id
handleSelfself1handle to self