Takes a nested python dictionary containing numpy arrays specifying Points, PointData, Cells,CellData, and CellPointIds describing connectivity and returns a VMTK mesh (VTK Unstructured Grid) object
Input arguments
Argument | Variable | Type | Length | Range | Default | Description |
id | Id | str | 1 | | 0 | script id |
handle | Self | self | 1 | | | handle to self |
disabled | Disabled | bool | 1 | | 0 | disable execution and piping |
i | ArrayDict | dict | 1 | | | the input array dictionary |
ifile | ArrayDictInputFileName | str | 1 | | | filename for the default ArrayDict reader |
flatten | FlattenListOfCells | | | | | enable to convert cells which are formated as a list of numpy arrays to the default flat structure |
ofile | MeshOutputFileName | str | 1 | | | filename for the default Mesh writer |
Output arguments
Argument | Variable | Type | Length | Range | Default | Description |
id | Id | str | 1 | | 0 | script id |
handle | Self | self | 1 | | | handle to self |
o | Mesh | vtkUnstructuredGrid | 1 | | | the output mesh |