

write a mesh to disk

Input arguments

idIdstr10script id
handleSelfself1handle to self
disabledDisabledbool10disable execution and piping
iMeshvtkUnstructuredGrid1the input mesh
ifileMeshInputFileNamestr1filename for the default Mesh reader
fFormatstr1["vtkxml","vtk","xda","fdneut","tecplot","lifev","dolfin","fluent","tetgen","pointdata"]file format (xda - libmesh ASCII format, fdneut - FIDAP neutral format)
guessformatGuessFormatbool11guess file format from extension
compressedCompressedbool11output gz compressed file (dolfin only)
ofileOutputFileNamestr1output file name
oMeshvtkUnstructuredGrid1the output mesh
modeModestr1["ascii","binary"]binarywrite files in ASCII or binary mode (vtk and vtu only)
entityidsarrayCellEntityIdsArrayNamestr1CellEntityIdsname of the array where entity ids are stored
entityidsoffsetCellEntityIdsOffsetint1-1add this number to entity ids in output (dolfin only)
writeregionmarkersWriteRegionMarkersbool10write entity ids for volume regions to file (dolfin only)

Output arguments

idIdstr10script id
handleSelfself1handle to self