

automatically label an image using multiple Otsu thresholding

Input arguments

idIdstr10script id
handleSelfself1handle to self
disabledDisabledbool10disable execution and piping
iImagevtkImageData1the input image
ifileImageInputFileNamestr1filename for the default Image reader
binsNumberOfHistogramBinsint1(0,)128the number of bins to use for generating the image histogram
thresholdsNumberOfThresholdsint1(0,)1the number of intensity thresholds to generate for generating the labeled image
othresholdidOutputThresholdIdint1(0,)0the id of the threshold to send in output
offsetLabelOffsetint1(0,)0the lowest label value to use while generating the labeled image
ofileImageOutputFileNamestr1filename for the default Image writer

Output arguments

idIdstr10script id
handleSelfself1handle to self
oImagevtkImageData1the output image
othresholdsThresholdsvtkFloatArray1the computed thresholds
othresholdThresholdfloat1Nonethe nth computed threshold, with n set to OutputThresholdId