

register a surface to a reference surface using the ICP algorithm

Input arguments

idIdstr10script id
handleSelfself1handle to self
disabledDisabledbool10disable execution and piping
iSurfacevtkPolyData1the input surface
ifileSurfaceInputFileNamestr1filename for the default Surface reader
rReferenceSurfacevtkPolyData1the reference surface
rfileReferenceSurfaceInputFileNamestr1filename for the default ReferenceSurface reader
distancearrayDistanceArrayNamestr1name of the array where the distance of the input surface to the reference surface has to be stored
signeddistancearraySignedDistanceArrayNamestr1name of the array where the signed distance of the input surface to the reference surface is stored; distance is positive if distance vector and normal to the reference surface have negative dot product, i.e. if the input surface is outer with respect to the reference surface
farthresholdFarThresholdfloat10.0threshold distance beyond which points are discarded during optimization
flipnormalsFlipNormalsbool10flip normals to the reference surface after computing them
landmarksMaximumNumberOfLandmarksint11000maximum number of landmarks sampled from the two surfaces for evaluation of the registration metric
iterationsMaximumNumberOfIterationsint1100maximum number of iterations for the optimization problems
maxmeandistanceMaximumMeanDistancefloat10.01convergence threshold based on the maximum mean distance between the two surfaces
ofileSurfaceOutputFileNamestr1filename for the default Surface writer

Output arguments

idIdstr10script id
handleSelfself1handle to self
oSurfacevtkPolyData1the output surface
omatrixcoefficientsMatrixCoefficientsfloat16Nonethe output transform matrix coefficients
omatrix4x4Matrix4x4vtkMatrix4x41the output transform matrix