

offset centerline attributes relative to a bifurcation reference system, in such a way that the abscissa of the closest point the the origin is zero, and the centerline normal at that point coincides with the bifurcation reference system normal

Input arguments

idIdstr10script id
handleSelfself1handle to self
disabledDisabledbool10disable execution and piping
iCenterlinesvtkPolyData1the input split centerlines
ifileCenterlinesInputFileNamestr1filename for the default Centerlines reader
referencesystemsReferenceSystemsvtkPolyData1bifurcation reference systems
referencesystemsfileReferenceSystemsInputFileNamestr1filename for the default ReferenceSystems reader
referencegroupidReferenceGroupIdint1-1group id of the reference system to which attributes have to be offset
replaceattributesReplaceAttributesbool11overwrite the existing attributes
abscissasarrayAbscissasArrayNamestr1Abscissasname of the array where centerline abscissas are stored
normalsarrayNormalsArrayNamestr1ParallelTransportNormalsname of the array where centerline normals are stored
groupidsarrayGroupIdsArrayNamestr1GroupIdsname of the array where centerline group ids are stored
centerlineidsarrayCenterlineIdsArrayNamestr1CenterlineIdsname of the array where centerline ids are stored
referencesystemsnormalarrayReferenceSystemsNormalArrayNamestr1Normalname of the array where reference system normals are stored
offsetabscissasarrayOffsetAbscissasArrayNamestr1OffsetAbscissasname of the array where offset centerline abscissas have to be stored if ReplaceAttributes is off
offsetnormalsarrayOffsetNormalsArrayNamestr1OffsetNormalsname of the array where offset centerline normals have to be stored if ReplaceAttributes is off
renderervmtkRenderervmtkRenderer1external renderer
ofileCenterlinesOutputFileNamestr1filename for the default Centerlines writer

Output arguments

idIdstr10script id
handleSelfself1handle to self
oCenterlinesvtkPolyData1the output centerlines
referencegroupidReferenceGroupIdint1-1group id of the reference system to which attributes are offset
offsetabscissasarrayOffsetAbscissasArrayNamestr1OffsetAbscissasname of the array where offset centerline abscissas are stored if ReplaceAttributes is off
offsetnormalsarrayOffsetNormalsArrayNamestr1OffsetNormalsname of the array where offset centerline normals are stored if ReplaceAttributes is off
abscissasarrayAbscissasArrayNamestr1Abscissasname of the array where centerline abscissas are stored
normalsarrayNormalsArrayNamestr1ParallelTransportNormalsname of the array where centerline normals are stored