

compute geometric parameters for each branch of a tree. The script takes in input the centerlines already split into branches.

Input arguments

idIdstr10script id
handleSelfself1handle to self
disabledDisabledbool10disable execution and piping
iCenterlinesvtkPolyData1the input split centerlines
ifileCenterlinesInputFileNamestr1filename for the default Centerlines reader
radiusarrayRadiusArrayNamestr1MaximumInscribedSphereRadiusname of the array where centerline radius values are stored
groupidsarrayGroupIdsArrayNamestr1GroupIdsname of the array where centerline group ids are stored
blankingarrayBlankingArrayNamestr1Blankingname of the array where blanking information about branches is stored
lengtharrayLengthArrayNamestr1Lengthname of the array where the average length of each branch has to be stored
curvaturearrayCurvatureArrayNamestr1Curvaturename of the array where the average curvature of each branch has to be stored
torsionarrayTorsionArrayNamestr1Torsionname of the array where the average torsion of each branch has to be stored
tortuosityarrayTortuosityArrayNamestr1Tortuosityname of the array where the average tortuosity of each branch, defined as the length of a line divided by the distance of its endpoints, has to be stored
ofileGeometryDataOutputFileNamestr1filename for the default GeometryData writer

Output arguments

idIdstr10script id
handleSelfself1handle to self
oGeometryDatavtkPolyData1the output data set
lengtharrayLengthArrayNamestr1Lengthname of the array where the average length of each branch is stored
curvaturearrayCurvatureArrayNamestr1Curvaturename of the array where the average curvature of each branch is stored
torsionarrayTorsionArrayNamestr1Torsionname of the array where the average torsion of each branch is stored
tortuosityarrayTortuosityArrayNamestr1Tortuosityname of the array where the average tortuosity of each branch, defined as the length of a line divided by the distance of its endpoints minus one (L/D - 1), is stored