Applicable version(s):
by Simone Manini, Orobix Srl, Italy
This tutorial demonstrates how to handle different color maps while rendering a data array in a vmtk viewer script.
Color maps are available in the following scripts:
- vmtkcenterlineviewer
- vmtkmeshviewer
- vmtkpathlineanimator
- vmtksurfaceviewer
At the moment there are 4 different color maps currently implemented in vmtk:
- grayscale
- rainbow
- cooltowarm (default one)
- blackbody
There is also the possibility to set the number of colors to be used in selected color map. By default a discrete number of colors (256) are used.
Figure 1: vmtk color maps. From top to bottom: cooltowarm (default), rainbow, blackbody and grayscale.
vmtkmeshviewer -ifile surface.vtp -array pressure -legend 1
Figure 2: Cooltowarm color map (default) with 256 colors (default)
vmtkmeshviewer -ifile surface.vtp -array pressure -legend 1 -numberofcolors 8
Figure 3: Cooltowarm color map (default) with 8 colors
vmtkmeshviewer -ifile surface.vtp -array pressure -colormap rainbow -legend 1
Figure 4: Rainbow blue to red color map (default) with 256 colors (default)
vmtkmeshviewer -ifile surface.vtp -array pressure -legend 1 -colormap rainbow -numberofcolors 8
Figure 5: Rainbow blue to red color map with 8 colors
vmtkmeshviewer -ifile surface.vtp -array pressure -colormap blackbody -legend 1
Figure 6: Blackbody radiation color map with 256 colors (default)
vmtkmeshviewer -ifile surface.vtp -array pressure -legend 1 -colormap blackbody -numberofcolors 8
Figure 7: Blackbody radiation color map with 8 colors
vmtksurfaceviewer -ifile surface.vtp -array pressure -legend 1 -colormap grayscale
Figure 8: Grayscale color map with 256 colors (default)
vmtksurfaceviewer -ifile surface.vtp -array pressure -legend 1 -colormap grayscale -numberofcolors 8
Figure 9: Grayscale color map with 8 colors